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decorative picture for the mainstream pages Theory arrow back picture and link to the observational tutorials Geologic Eras at Earth

CONTENT - A fine, useful overview of the geological history of the Earth. A tutorial part of our science extras

Once Earth formed, with the solar system, from the protoplanetary disc, it endured a long geological history. This history has been divided into various eras, each of which is characterized by distinctive features like climate, geological events, or the forms of life. How Earth evolved, although not part of astronomy strictly, is interesting as providing insights which may be used about other planets and moons of the solar system. It looks like terrestrial planets, like Mercury, Venus and Mars and even some moons in the solar system, knew a less complex geological history

see a table of the geologic eras at Earth

Website Manager: G. Guichard, site 'Amateur Astronomy,' Page Editor: G. Guichard. last edited: 12/28/2010. contact us at
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