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decorative picture for the mainstream pages Theory arrow back picture and link to the observational tutorials Some Time or Size Scales to Render the Dimensions of the Universe!

CONTENT - Some classical tricks to get a sense of the age, or the dimensions of the Universe

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A Size Scale to Understand the Universe A Time Scale to Understand the Universe

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The dimensions of the Universe are tremendous! The following scale, in terms of dimensions, is useful to grasp those magnitudes of distances!

thumbnail to a scale-figuration of the Universe in terms of dimensions, based on the representation of the distance Sun-Proxima Centauri by the point on a i. the Universe is figured against the background of the eastern U.S.Aclick to a scale-figuration of the Universe in terms of dimensions, based on the representation of the distance Sun-Proxima Centauri by the point on a 'i'. The Universe is figured against the background of the eastern U.S.A

arrow back A Time Scale to Understand the Universe

a scale-figuration of the evolution of the Universe in terms of time

The Universe's age is now well established at 13.7 billion years. Would the Universe have been born today at 0:00 a.m., the Universe whole history would have unfolded this way -as seen from tonight at midnight:

Website Manager: G. Guichard, site 'Amateur Astronomy,' Page Editor: G. Guichard. last edited: 12/28/2010. contact us at
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