NASA's Dawn spacecraft has become the first mission to achieve orbit around a dwarf planet, Ceres. It was captured by the dwarf planet’s gravity at about 4:39 a.m. PST (7:39 a.m. EST) Friday, March 6th 2015
Data Related to DAWN Capture Into Ceres Orbit Data Dated mid-2015 Data Dated 2016 Data Dated 2017 Data Dated 2018 |
Data Related to DAWN Capture Into Ceres Orbit
NASA's Dawn spacecraft has become the first mission to achieve orbit around a dwarf planet. The spacecraft was approximately 38,000 miles (61,000 kilometers) from Ceres when it was captured by the dwarf planet’s gravity at about 4:39 a.m. PST (7:39 a.m. EST) Friday, March 6th 2015. Mission controllers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif. received a signal from the spacecraft at 5:36 a.m. PST (8:36 a.m. EST) that Dawn was healthy and thrusting with its ion engine, the indicator Dawn had entered orbit as planned. DAWN was approaching at a speed of 450 mph (725 km/) and kept spiraling into to be captured into orbit. As it reached Ceres, DAWN turned the first mission to orbit two extraterrestrial targets, which are the two most massive residents of our solar system’s Asteroid belt! The final approach phase began by December 2014 as approach operations were to begin in late January 2015 as first images of the minor planet began to be possible since February 2015 for navigation purposes as a first picture had been taken on Dec. 5, 2014 as part of the calibration process, from a distance of 740,000 miles (1.2 million km). Next ops were that DAWN was to be captured by Ceres' gravity on March 6th, 2015. A first full characterization of Ceres will be following at a altitude of about 8,400 miles (13,500 kilometers), then a spiral down bringing the craft to a altitude of about 2,750 miles (4,430 kilometers) for more data from that survey science orbit. That phase is scheduled to last during 22 days for mapping. DAWN will then continue to spiral its way down to a altitude of about 920 miles (1,480 kilometers), and in August 2015 it will begin a two-month phase known as the 'high-altitude mapping orbit.' After, further, a spiraling down DAWN will begin its closest orbit around Ceres in late November 2015, at a distance of about 233 miles (375 kilometers) and during three month, for low-altitude mapping and data through the gamma ray and neutron detector (GRaND) and gravity investigation. Ceres is named for the Roman goddess of agriculture and harvests. Craters on Ceres will similarly be named for gods and goddesses of agriculture and vegetation from world mythology. Other features will be named for agricultural festivals
NASA's DAWN spacecraft fired up its ion engine on Oct. 23, 2015 to begin its journey toward its fourth and final science orbit at dwarf planet Ceres. The spacecraft completed two months of observations from an altitude of 915 miles (1,470 kilometers) and transmitted extensive imagery and other data to Earth. The spacecraft is now on its way to the final orbit of the mission, called the low-altitude mapping orbit. Dawn will spend more than seven weeks descending to this vantage point, which will be less than 235 miles (380 kilometers) from the surface of Ceres. In mid-December, Dawn will begin taking observations from this orbit, including images at a resolution of 120 feet (35 meters) per pixel
Bright areas at craters at Ceres have been found consistent with a type of magnesium sulfate called hexahydrite, or being deposits -- called faculae -- of carbonates and other salts. A different type of magnesium sulfate is familiar on Earth as Epsom salt. Such salt-rich areas were left behind when water-ice sublimated in the past. Impacts from asteroids would have unearthed the mixture of ice and salt, hinting to Ceres having a subsurface layer that contains briny water-ice. As there has not been unambiguous detection of water ice on Ceres, higher-resolution data are needed to settle that question. As far as the youngest Occator crater bright areas are concerned, when sunlight reaches Ceres' Occator Crater, a kind of thin haze of dust and evaporating water forms there. The haze seems to be present in views during noon, local time, and absent at dawn and dusk, suggesting that the phenomenon resembles the activity at the surface of a comet. The DAWN science team also found evidence for ammonia-rich clays, raising he possibility that Ceres did not originate in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, where it currently resides, but instead might have formed in the outer solar system, or, whether it formed at its current position, it incorporated materials that drifted in from the outer solar system – near the orbit of Neptune, where nitrogen ices are thermally stable. The environment where Ceres formed had to feature abundant ammonia and nitrogen as Ceres-carbonaceous chondrites is not a good match. The minor planet, generally, shares many commonalities with meteorites however, in particular carbonaceous chondrites. Ammonia ice by itself would evaporate on Ceres today, because the dwarf planet is too warm as ammonia molecules could be stable if present if chemically bonded to other minerals. The brightest area of the Occator Crater has the highest concentration of carbonate minerals ever seen outside Earth. At about 80 million years old, Occator is considered a young crater. The impact that formed the crater millions of years ago unearthed material that blanketed the area outside the crater, and may have triggered the upwelling of salty liquid. Carbonates are found at Earth in hydrothermal environments. If one exists inside the crater, that would suggest that temperatures inside Ceres are warmer than previously believed. More intriguingly, liquid water may have existed beneath the surface of Ceres in recent geological time. The salts thus could be remnants of an ocean, or localized bodies of water, that reached the surface and then froze millions of years ago. The surface of Ceres, generally, contains ammoniated phyllosilicates, or clays containing ammonia. Because ammonia is abundant in the outer solar system, this finding introduced the idea that Ceres may have formed near the orbit of Neptune and migrated inward. Alternatively, Ceres may have formed closer to its current position between Mars and Jupiter, but with material accumulated from the outer solar system. The carbonate finding further reinforces Ceres' connection with icy worlds in the outer solar system. Such materials might also make Ceres interesting for the study of astrobiology. Most of Ceres' largest craters are more than 1 mile (2 kilometers) deep relative to surrounding terrain, meaning they have not deformed much over billions of years. These significant depths suggest that Ceres' subsurface is no more than 40 percent ice by volume, and the rest may be a mixture of rock and low-density materials such as salts or chemical compounds called clathrates. The appearance of a few shallow craters suggests that there could be variations in ice and rock content in the subsurface. Daytime surface temperatures on Ceres, on a other hand, span from minus 136 degrees to minus 28 degrees Fahrenheit (180 to 240 Kelvin) as maximum temperatures were measured in the equatorial region
DAWN will remain at its lowest altitude for the rest of its mission, and indefinitely afterward. The end of the prime mission will be June 30, 2016. Ceres is a heavily cratered body with diverse features on its surface that include a tall, cone-shaped mountain -the Ahuna Mons- and more than 130 reflective patches of material that is likely salt. Scientists believe areas with shades of blue contain younger, fresher material, including flows, pits and cracks. By 2006, the International Astronomical Union upgraded Ceres from asteroid to dwarf planet, receiving the same classification as Pluto. Depuis 2013 one knew that there is water vapor emanating from Ceres, following up on 1992 observations of hydroxide by NASA's International Ultraviolet Explorer. to learn more, not only about Ceres itself but also about the dawn of the solar system. Vesta and Ceres are intact, which means that the spatial relationships of their surface features and internal layers are preserved
Ceres does not have as many large impact basins as scientists expected as impact processes dominate the surface geology however. Increased hydrogen concentration has been spotted at high latitudes, a hint to that water ice could be present close to the surface in polar regions as it would have subterraneanly survived for billions of years. Ice could exist also a the Oxo Crater like bound up in minerals or the form of ice. Bright spots in Haulani Crater are showing that material excavated by an impact is different than the general surface composition of Ceres. The diversity of materials implies either that there is a mixed layer underneath, or that the impact itself changed the properties of the materials. Impact craters are clearly the most abundant geological feature on Ceres, and their different shapes help tell the intricate story of Ceres' past. Craters that are roughly polygonal hint that Ceres' crust is heavily fractured. Their straight edges result from pre-existing stress patterns and faults beneath the surface. In addition, several Cerean craters have patterns of visible fractures on their floors, others may have endured landslides and others still are seen with fresh material impact. Fractures, generally, may play a role in driving the geometry of some of Ceres' craters. Some, like tiny Oxo, have terraces, while others, such as the large Urvara Crater (106-mile (170-kilometer) wide), have central peaks. There are craters with flow-like features, and craters that imprint on other craters, as well as chains of small craters. Bright areas are peppered across Ceres, with the most reflective ones in Occator Crater. Some crater shapes could indicate water-ice in the subsurface. Such miscellaneous crater forms are consistent with an outer shell for Ceres that is not purely ice or rock, but rather a mixture of both, and not uniform. Based upon the ratio of various craters' depths to diameters, some amount of crater relaxation must have occurred. Additionally, there are more craters in the northern hemisphere of Ceres than the south, where the large Urvara and Yalode craters are the dominant features. Clay-forming minerals called phyllosilicates are all over Ceres, and rich in magnesium and also have some ammonium embedded in their crystalline structure. Their distribution throughout the dwarf planet's crust indicates Ceres' surface material has been altered by a global process involving water. Phyllosilicates are especially prevalent in the region around the smooth crater Kerwan (174 miles, 280 kilometers in diameter), and less so at Yalode Crater (162 miles, 260 kilometers in diameter), which has areas of both smooth and rugged terrain around it. Craters Dantu and Haulani both formed recently in geologic time, but also seem to differ in composition. Different material mixtures thus could extend beneath the surface. Ceres, generally, is covered by countless small, young craters, but none are larger than 175 miles (280 kilometers). Somehow thus, Ceres eroded its largest impact scars as it also renewed old, cratered surfaces through activies like hydrothermal activity or cryovolcanism. Three large-scale depressions, or 'planitiae' at Ceres, up to 500-mile (800-kilometer) wide could be leftovers from big impacts. Ceres's largest well-defined impact basin is Kerwan Crater. Even if Ceres would have formed in the vicinity of Neptune and then migrated inwards, it should still have kept a significant number of large craters. The obliteration of large craters must have occurred over several hundred millions of years. Like a comparison, although Vesta is only half the size of Ceres, it has a well-preserved 300-mile-(500-kilometer)-wide crater called Rheasilvia, with other large craters that suggests that Vesta did not have processes at work to smooth its surface, perhaps because it is thought to have much less ice. Bright spots at Ceres brighten during the day and also show other variations, suggesting that the observed changes could be due to the presence of volatile substances that evaporate under the action of solar radiation. Permanently shadowed regions at Ceres are extent like at Mercury or the Moon. When the temperature stays below about minus 240 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 151 degrees Celsius), the area is termed a 'cold trap.' Such regions at Ceres might be more numerous because the minor planet is more far away from the Sun as cold traps might extend to relatively lower latitudes, at the difference of Mercury or Moon with those areas at the poles only. Ceres, on a other hand, may have been formed with a relatively large reservoir of water providing for such remnants. The upper layers of Ceres contain ice -- and maybe salt -- bringing the topography above to smooth out. Salt could be the remnant of a frozen ocean under the surface, and liquid water could have been present in Ceres' interior. Evidence was found of the chemistry of an ancient ocean. The findings reinforce the idea that dwarf planets, not just icy moons like Enceladus and Europa, could have hosted oceans during their history, and potentially still do. Analyses from Dawn data suggest there still may be liquid under Ceres’ surface and that some regions were geologically active relatively recently, feeding from a deep reservoir. Ceres may have a weak, temporary atmosphere, which would be consistent with the water vapor detected at Ceres in 2012-2013. The temporary atmosphere of Ceres -- a exosphere indeed -- appears to be related to the behavior of the Sun, rather than Ceres' proximity to it like scientists had thought, in a comparison to the sublimation process at comets when they come nearer to the Sun. It is the solar wind which hit exposed ice or near the surface which frees water molecules from there and create a tenuous atmosphere that may last for a week or so. Ice is nearer to surface at high latitudes. Ceres could have formed beyond Jupiter and migrated in, or at least incorporated materials that originated farther from the Sun
Ahuna Mons on Ceres was likely formed as a salty-mud cryovolcano -- a unique feature in the solar system -- showing that volcanism exists on a dwarf planet made of salts, muddy rocks and water ice. Ahuna Mons might be due to a plume extending from Ceres mantle, carrying slurry upwared as the dome might have been created just a couple hundred million years ago. Ahuna Mons formed within the last billion years, and possibly within a few hundred million years. Exposed water-ice is rare on Ceres, but the low density of Ceres, the impact-generated flows and the very existence of Ahuna Mons suggest that Ceres' crust does contain a significant component of water-ice. Studies from Dawn scientists by late 2016 show evidence for ice at or near the surface of Ceres. Ice might have separated from rock early in Ceres' history, forming a ice-rich crustal layer, which remained since near the surface. That layer is closer to the surface at higher latitudes. Rather than a solid ice layer, there is likely to be a porous mixture of rocky materials in which ice fills the pores, at 10 percent. Ceres thus would have been divided into a rocky interior and icy outer shell, the energy being the radioactive decay of materials deep inside. Water ice would also lie in ice-trap dark craters near to the poles like for Moon or Mercury. A tenuous water atmosphere at Ceres however might be at the origin of cold traps at Ceres however, with water molecules moving from lower to higher latitudes
DAWN, by early 2017, detected organic material -- those molecules which are necessary though not sufficient components of life -- on Ceres, in and around a northern-hemisphere crater called Ernutet, making Ceres a further body in the solar system harbouring organics. Those molecules might be native to Ceres. There is growing evidence that the organics in Ernutet came from Ceres’ interior, in which case they could have existed for some time in the early, interior ocean. Minor planet Ceres was already known to feature hydrated minerals, carbonates, water ice, and ammoniated clays that must have been altered by water and warmth as salts and sodium carbonate, like found in the Occator Crater, are also thought to have been carried to the surface by liquid. Material of similar composition has been found at Oxo Crater and Ahuna Mons. Sodium carbonate might be linked to a briny liquid likely spurted up from Ceres' interior, which delivered this salt to the surface. Ceres is mostly covered in phyllosilicates -- tiny rock particles typically found in mud on Earth. Across Ceres' surface, DAWN found a type of mineral that has ammonium (a compound derived from ammonia) incorporated into its structure. Scientists were astounded, as substances containing ammonia are not expected in bodies that formed as close to the Sun as Ceres' orbit. The result suggested that Ceres could have formed beyond Jupiter and migrated inward, or that it has materials that originated farther from the Sun incorporated into its surface. Ceres also might have undergone different types or degrees of alteration by water. Ceres organics might also have been processed in a warm water-rich environment
The bright central area of Ceres' Occator Crater, as it was named Cerealia Facula, at about 4 million years old, is approximately 30 million years younger than the crater itself. The secondary, smaller bright areas of Occator, called Vinalia Faculae, are comprised of a mixture of carbonates and dark material. The initial trigger to the bright area was the impact that dug out the crater itself, causing briny liquid to rise closer to the surface. Water and dissolved gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, came up and created a vent system. These rising gases also could have forced carbonate-rich materials to ascend toward the surface and erupting through fractures. DAWN, as of early March 2017, was on its way to a high-altitude orbit of 12,400 miles (20,000 kilometers), and to a different orbital plane. Jupiter and Saturn have a appreciable effect on Ceres' axial tilt, which varies over the course of about 24,500 years, influencing the water deposits found at the minor planet's poles. Throughout the last 3 million years, Ceres has gone through cycles where its tilt ranges from about 2 to about 20 degrees. It might that since more than 4 billion years, most of a Ceres' ancient ocean is now frozen and bound up in the crust, remaining in the form of ice, clathrate hydrates and salts, as a easily deformable layer beneath Ceres' rigid surface crust could be the signature of residual liquid left over from the ocean too (that latter characteristic allowed that pronounced surface features at Ceres smoothed out over time). It is still unknown why Ceres' crust be as light as ice in terms of density, but simultaneously much stronger. Ahuna Mons and the Occator crater are believed to be different expressions of cryovolcanism, and associated with gravity anomalies. Surface features on Ceres have a closer relationship with its interior evolution, as pit chains linear features, for example, are due to that less dense materials beneath Ceres' surface pushed upward toward the exterior hundreds of millions (up to a billion) years ago, creating fractures in the crust. Such features are not evenly dispersed across. The more than 300 of bright, reflective areas or 'faculae,' that stand out at Ceres' surface are a hint that the dwarf planet once had a subsurface ocean the salty liquid of which upwelled materials to the surface. Such bright material is found at various terrain features. The bright material in Occator Crater is made of salt-rich material and would resemble dirty snow to the human eye. Occator might have had in recent times a reservoir of salty water beneath it which flowed like lava, or percolated material upwards through crevaces resulting from the impact. In the second category, bright material is found on the rims of craters, streaking down toward the floors as impacting bodies likely exposed bright material that was already in the subsurface. Bright material may also be found in craters' ejecta as mountain Ahuna Mons gets its own fourth category as unaffiliated with any impact crater, and likely a cryovolcano
![]() | That map is showing locations of bright material, or 'faculae,' on dwarf planet Ceres. picture site 'Amateur Astronomy' based upon a picture courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA/PSI/Caltech |
The great diversity of material, ice and carbonates, exposed via impacts, landslides and cryovolcanism suggests Ceres’ crust is not uniform in composition. These heterogeneities were either produced during the freezing of Ceres’ original ocean -- which formed the crust -- or later on as a consequence of large impacts or cryovolcanic intrusions, which brings to Ceres a dynamic body. Hydrated carbonate dehydrate over a few million years as seasonal changes release water vapor which then condenses into water ice. Detected water vapour was detected around the dwarf planet as Ceres has ice on or near its surface. The contribution of the ice deposits to Ceres' exosphere turned out to be much lower than thought
![]() | Another view of Cerealia Facula, at 19.7 degrees north latitude and 239.6 degrees south longitude picture site 'Amateur Astronomy' based upon a picture courtesy NASA |