- text and links as of last publication. Dates of publication are not accurate / texte et liens en l'état lors de la dernière publication: les dates de publication ne sont pas fiables -
(les images archivées avec texte anglais et français ne commencent qu'à partir de la page [8] des archives)
Los Angeles, Calif.. This view of Los Angeles, Calif. is part of the data collected by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). This mission ... click to picture and text
Dione Against Saturn's Globe. This fine view is Dione seen against the globe of Saturn, Dec. 14th, 2004, when the NASA/ESA/Italian Space Agency Cassini-Huygens craft ... click to picture and text
An Apollo Mission. It was the Moon! This is how an Apollo mission was looking, and how these lunar missions are still living in the memory of people who were lucky enough ... click to picture and text
A Cape Canaveral Launch. Seen here is the launch of the Spitzer Space Telescope, Aug. 25, 2003 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), launch pad 17-B. Any mission launch is prepared ... click to picture and text
A Stellar Nursery. The Trifid Nebula (M 20), located 5,400 light-years from us, in constellation Sagittarius, is an interesting example of how ... click to picture and text
Titan Unveiled!. Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, was the dedicated target of the European space agency, ESA, Huygens probe. The probe piggy-backed ... click to picture and text
Another Solar System. The search for exoplanets began in the 1990s when astronomers became able to look for them. It's still unsure how many stars in our Galaxy ... click to picture and text
The Auroral Ovals. These two animations are showing how much the auroral ovals, located above north and south magnetic poles ... click to picture and text
Ganymede. This view is showing Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter. Ganymede is one of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter -named for Galileo Galilei who first saw them, and ... click to picture and text
Opportunity Rover at Mars. This is how Opportunity, one of NASA MER mission's rovers, is looking like after one year at Mars. This picture ... click to picture and text