A Gamma-Ray Burst in Our Neighbourhood. This is a gamma-ray burst remnant. It was found by NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory, a space telescope observing Universe in the X-rays. W49B is lying just next door in our Milky Way galaxy at 35,000 light-years away. This shell of gas is the evidence of such an event as the blue bar is the trace for two jets which occurred during a supernova event, a few thousand years ago. Gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic stellar explosions in our Universe and are due to powerful jets emanating from the core of a collapsing star transformed into a black hole. Jets run violently into a previously expelled shell of material. An observer aligned with one of these jets would have seen a blinding flash transporting the equivalent of ten quadrillion Suns! picture courtesy X-ray: NASA/CXC/SSC/J. Keohane et al.; Infrared: Caltech/Palomar/J.Keohane et al.
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