The following notices contains a overview of data which were discovered about Mercury by the MESSENGER mission. Some data from additional and later studies will possibly be added to the texts and mostly pointed to like such
Images and data collected by MESSENGER at Mercury, generally, revealed a unique, geologically diverse world as it is a lot less similar to the Moon than many astronomers previously thought. Mercury may be characterized by main geological features like its surface composition, a widespread volcanism, faults and cliffs and some areas showing a contraction and stretching of the crust. A other, evident, characteristic of Mercury is a dichotomy between two faces, with the one of Caloris Basin more affected by volcanism
MESSENGER generally also improved our understanding of Mercury's magnetosphere and gravitational fields as it discovered new constituents of the atmosphere, or demonstrated that Mercury's magnetosphere is more responsive to changes in its environment than at any other planet. The thin Mercury's 'exosphere' (considered 42 percent helium, 42 percent sodium and 15 percent oxygen) is replenished with particles from the surface processes and provides for a long tail of atoms flowing behind the planet as new chemicals like some magnesium, a important constituent of Mercury's surface, have been found. Varied processes are at work to replenish the Mercurian exosphere like the solar wind's photons, or micrometeoroids. Sodium above all, calcium and magnesium vary in quantities which could also be a hint to that the surface of Mercury changed over time, likely leading to the atmosphere being the result of billions of years. The distribution of individual chemical elements also varies in the exosphere, with considerable variability for sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Ionized calcium in Mercury's exosphere is concentrated over a relatively small portion of the exosphere, with most of the emission occurring close to the equatorial plane. It looks like the interaction between those processes and Mercury's magnetosphere is also extant, or a factor. Mercury's exosphere was also found to endure 'seasonal' changes due to the change of the solar pressure along the planet's orbit, with the greatest amount of sodium for example in the exosphere is when Mercury is at a middle distance from the Sun. MESSENGER's first flyby on January 14, 2008, confirmed that the planet has a global magnetic field, as first discovered by the Mariner 10 spacecraft during its flybys of the planet in 1974 and 1975. It is likely due to a core magneto as Mercury's core should contain a light element like sulfur (for that, Mercury would have had to combine elements from close to the Sun and from farther away -an idea known under 'radial mixing'). If not the magnetosphere might be due as well to remnant magnetism emanating from iron-bearing rocks once magnetized by a stronger magnetosphere. The magnetosphere of Mercury is filled with many charged particles forming a 'plasma nebula' akin to Io plasma torus. The proximity of Mercury to the Sun strenghten too the reconnection events occurring between the interplanetary, and planetary magnetic fields. Increases in energy measured in Mercury's magnetic tail are very large, occurring quickly, lasting only two to three minutes from beginning to end, and about 10 times greater than at Earth. Those features might be due to the extreme tail loading and unloading. Like at Earth, some connections may establish between the solar wind and the protective magnetosphere of Mercury, allowing the solar wind to reach down to the surface. At Mercury that takes the form of joined magnetic fields turning into vortex-like tubes, through which the solar wind is entering. This action unto the surface of Mercury is further allowed as Mercury has about no atmosphere. Mercury's own magnetosphere also is interacted with Mercury exosphere's particles and other dynamic forces. Elements from the soil freed by photons of the solar wind can be converted into positive ions, or a process called photoionization. A 'drift belt' might thence exist around Mercury maybe yiedling a magnetic depression in this region
Crust Contraction and Stretching
MESSENGER produced both a monochrome map at 250 meters per pixel and an eight-color, 1 kilometer per pixel color map as these maps cover the entire planet under uniform lighting conditions. The first-ever precise topographic model of the planet's northern hemisphere on a other hand is showing that the spread in elevations is considerably smaller than those of Mars or the Moon with the most prominent feature a extensive area of lowlands at high northern latitudes that hosts the volcanic northern plains. Within this lowland region is a broad topographic rise that formed after the volcanic plains were emplaced. At mid-latitudes, the interior plains of the Caloris impact basin -960 miles (1,550 km) in diameter- have been modified so that part of the basin floor now stands higher than the rim. The elevated portion appears to be part of a quasi-linear rise that extends for approximately half the planetary circumference at mid-latitudes. These features imply that large-scale changes to Mercury's topography occurred after the era of impact basin formation and large-scale emplacement of volcanic plains had ended. A new digital model for Mercury in 2016 have shown that the highest elevation on the planet is at 2.78 miles (4.48 kilometers) above Mercury’s average elevation, located just south of the equator in some of Mercury’s oldest terrain. The lowest elevation, at 3.34 miles (5.38 kilometers) below Mercury’s average, is found on the floor of Rachmaninoff basin, an intriguing double-ring impact basin suspected to host some of the most recent volcanic deposits on the planet. Northern volcanic plains are due to past volcanic activity which buried this portion of the planet beneath extensive lavas, more than a mile deep in some areas. In terms of Mercury's surface composition, the magnesium/silicon, aluminum/silicon, and calcium/silicon ratios averaged over large areas of the planet's surface show that, unlike the surface of the Moon, Mercury's surface is not dominated by feldspar-rich rocks. Substantial amounts of sulfur also have been observed with sulfide minerals likely present, suggesting that the original building blocks from which Mercury was assembled may have been less oxidized than those that formed the other terrestrial planets, and it has potentially important implications for understanding the nature of volcanism on Mercury. Mercury has a volatile inventory similar to Venus, Earth, and Mars, and much larger than that of the Moon. It possesses a much higher mass fraction of iron metal than Venus, Earth, or Mars as observations hint that Mercury's surface composition is similar to that expected if the planet's bulk composition is broadly similar to that of highly reduced or metal-rich chondritic meteorites, a material that is left over from the formation of the solar system. The first precise model of Mercury's gravity field has been developed which, when combined with topographic data and the planet's spin state, sheds light on the planet's internal structure. Mercury's core represents about 85 percent of the planetary radius, even larger than previous estimates. Despite the planet's small size subtle dynamical motions measured from Earth-based radar, combined with MESSENGER's newly measured parameters of the gravity field and the characteristics of Mercury's internal magnetic field signify an active core dynamo, thus indicating that the planet's core is at least partially liquid
->The Question of Water at Mercury!
Observations by the MESSENGER spacecraft by late 2012 has provided compelling support for the long-held hypothesis that Mercury harbors abundant water ice and other frozen volatile materials in its permanently shadowed polar craters. Spectrometer, reflectance and temperature models are part of the evidence. Presence of ice is due to the tilt of Mercury's rotational axis at almost zero so there are pockets at the planet's poles that never see sunlight. In 1991, the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico alreazdy had detected unusually radar-bright patches at Mercury's poles, spots that reflected radio waves in the way one would expect if there were water ice. Many of these patches corresponded to the location of large impact craters mapped by the Mariner 10 spacecraft in the 1970s'. But because Mariner saw less than 50 percent of the planet, planetary scientists lacked a complete diagram of the poles to compare with the images. Astronomers, from such recent results, think that ice at Mercury is buried beneath an unusually dark material across most of the deposits. A hydrogen-rich layer which could be water ice, more than tens of inches (centimeters) thick is extant beneath a thermally insulating superficial layer 10 to 20 inches (centimeters) thick. Ice and the insulating layer at Mercury likely was deposited by impacts of comets or asteroids. The dark material is likely a mix of complex organic compounds and may have been darkened further by exposure to the harsh radiation at Mercury's surface, even in permanently shadowed areas
Importance of volcanism in the formation of Mercurian plains is larger than expected. Broad expanses of plains across the planet already seen by the Mariner 10 mission likely were formed through volcanism, which played a important role in shaping Mercury's crust. MESSENGER data show how volcanic rocks dominate much of Mercury's crust, even in regions that are geologically complex and where impact cratering has destroyed many of the original surface features. Lavas are locally as thick as 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) as they flooded plains, craters and low-lying plains, as vents, measuring up to 16 miles (25 kilometers) appear to be the source of some of the tremendous lava flows. Lava flows also eroded the substrate, carving valleys and creating teardrop-shaped ridges. Mercury, on the other hand, lacks of iron in the silicate minerals of the surface rocks, which is a main difference to most planetery crusts known until now. Sulfur is present. Data have revealed that bright, patchy deposits on some crater floors already observed but unexplained are clusters of rimless, irregular pits often surrounded by diffuse halos of higher-reflectance material, and they are found associated with central peaks, peak rings, and rims of craters. They might be young and hinting to a more abundant than expected volatile component in Mercury's crust. 'Hollows' at last, or very bright and blue small, shallow, irregularly shaped depressions that are often found in clusters on craters floor and central mountain peaks, are a variety of pits which still could be actively forming today thus a active Mercury! A possible relationship is thought to exist between the formation of explosive volcanic deposits and hollows
MESSENGER found unusual groups of ridges and troughs on Mercury, which are assemblages of tectonic landforms. Unlike faulting which is due to contraction of Mercury when it colded only, such features are linked to horizontal stretching and pulling apart of crustal material. Families of extensional troughs, or graben, encircled by contractional wrinkle ridges arranged in circular rings have been observed, for example at Mercurian basins. They are also associated with ghost craters which are impact craters that have been flooded and buried by lava flows. The thin volcanic deposits overlying the rim of a fully buried impact crater serve to concentrate contractional forces, leading to the formation of a ridge ring that reveals the outline of the buried crater. The process at work combines eruption and rapid accumulation of very fluid lava flows into thick cooling units and Mercury high rate of global contraction, hence a characteristic seen at Mercury only. Small scarps associated with small troughs of only tens of yards (meters) wide are geologically young, which means Mercury is still geologically active due to its contraction. A 'great valley' in Mercury southern hemisphere's Rembrandt basin as discovered by 2016, is providing more evidence that the small planet closest to the Sun is shrinking. Cooling of Mercury’s interior caused the planet’s single outer crust plate to contract and bend
Mercury tenuous exosphere of gas is generated and maintained by the interaction of the space environment with the planet's surface as some discrepancies about how much magnesium and calcium are found on the night side might question the usual thought that those were knocked out from the day side and brought into the night side by the solar wind pressure. The real explanation why magnesium and calcium in the exosphere are higher in quantity at Mercury’s dawn, is that that is due to meteoroid impacts are more frequent there. That is due further to that Mercury's day is long, at 58 Earth days exposing the planet at 'retrograde meteoroids,' which orbit the Sun in the direction opposite the planets
Discoveries related to Mercury's interior brought a evolution of knowledge relative to how Mercury's magnetic field is generated and for understanding how the planet evolved thermally. Orbital data reveal that Mercury's magnetic field is offset far to the North of the planet's center, by nearly 20 percent of Mercury's radius. Relative to the planet's size, this offset is much more than in any other planet, and accounting for it will pose a challenge to theoretical explanations of the field. This means also that the magnetic field in the southern hemisphere should be a lot weaker than it is in the North, with a difference of 3.5 times. Hence energetic particles, solar wind, and high-energy electrons will preferentially impact the surface in the South and a assymetry of the exosphere's particles and too the decolouration of those by charged particles. Also scientists have observed a unexplained enhanced concentration of calcium at the equator near dawn, a pattern that appears to be a persistent feature in the exosphere as such dawn enhancements are not observed for magnesium, albeit chemically similar to calcium. Sodium is the most important ion concentrated near Mercury's poles as likely liberated by solar wind in a manner comparable to which auroras are generated at Earth. Someone standing on Mercury's nightside at the right time of year would see a faint orange glow, the light of the planet's sodium tail. Helium is also found in the entire volume of the magnetosphere as delivered from the Sun by the solar wind. Such a weak magnetosphere provides the planet very little protection from the solar wind and extreme space weather must be a continuing activity at the surface of the planet closest to the Sun. Energetic events made of burst of energetic particles are being seen almost like clockwork in Mercury Earth-like magnetosphere. Such bursts had been one of the major discoveries made by the Mariner 10 mission as it was puzzling that MESSENGER had not detected any during its three flybys
![]() | Magnetic field lines differ at Mercury's north and south poles. picture courtesy NASA |
![]() | Locations of energetic electron events relative to Mercury’s magnetic field. picture courtesy NASA |