The following map is detailing Moon into 64 detailed quadrant maps as it is allowing for further exploration of our satellite through a telescope. The original picture was published early March 2011 at the NASA site as that global view of the near side had been reconstructed from 1,300 pictures taken by mid-December 2010 by the LRO mission during a duration of 2 weeks (original view courtesy NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University). Main Moon landmarks relief features are shown only, with more details still needing a Moon observational atlas. Most unnamed craters usually are a derivative of a nearby larger crater and bear names like 'Hortensius A', B, etc. Some libration areas may be underrepresented. Note also that some features names may not be consistent with the naming rules as described on the previous page (mostly mountains and craters, names of which are noted in Latin instead of in English, which may not be of a hindrance). Each quadrant potentially updatable. Just click on each quadrant to accede the map!
Abbreviations: Dm. = Dome, D. = Dorsum, L. = Lacus, M. = Mare, Ms = Mons, Mts = Montes, P. = Palus, Prom. = Promontorium, R. = Rima, S. = Sinus, V. = Vallis. Note! some terrain formations may feature a plural aspect like several rimae or dorsae clumped together; should the designation of those be abbreviated -like R. ..., or D. ...- that translates by that the abbreviation is slightly underlined to the left